Friday, March 18, 2016

All About Protein

The first step to learning about protein is knowing how to spell it. General rule is “i” before “e” except after “c”, right? Wrong. Protein is one of those weird words where the “e” comes before the “i”. Now that you’ve read this, I expect you to get it right! Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies, and of the foods that we eat. Proteins are made up of small molecules bonded together—these small molecules are called amino acids (AAs).  AAs consist of a carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Nitrogen is the main differentiating quality of proteins from the two other macronutrients. The central carbon (with 4 bonds) is bonded to a nitrogen ion, an acid, a hydrogen, and an “R” group that can be various carbon chains depending on the specific AA. Here is a visual.
           There are different classes of AAs based on their structure, they are called basic or branched-chain AAs. Basic AAs are those that the R group is one simple chain, the carbon of the R group attached to the central carbon only bonds to one other carbon. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are those where the carbon of the R group is bonded to 3 other carbons. BCAAs are typically used for fuel by muscles, especially when injured or strength training.    

            AAs can also be classified as essential or non-essential. Our bodies need 20 common AAs that bond together in various ways in order to facilitate our body’s daily processes. 11 of these AAs are deemed non-essential meaning that our bodies can make these AAs with left-over parts from other AAs. Therefore, there are 9 essential AAs that we need to consume through our diet in order to provide our bodies with the full 20. In addition, if we consume any of the 11 non-essential AAs, our bodies will use them directly instead of manufacturing them.
Dietary protein provides all 9 essential AAs that our bodies need as well as providing “spare parts” for our bodies to make the non-essential AAs. Animal sources of protein (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, etc.) contain all 9 essential AAs—these are called complete proteins. However, plant sources of protein usually do not contain all of the essential AAs in one plant (with the exception of soy and quinoa) thus they are called incomplete proteins. When eating a vegetarian diet, it is important to focus on complementary proteins that pair together make a complete protein (containing all 9 essential AAs). As seen in the picture below, you can pair two of the following foods to make a complementary protein: dairy, nuts/seeds, grains, and legumes.
So how does it work? Let’s pretend you’re building a car (complete protein) with parts (AAs) from different body shops (plant protein sources). One shop (legumes) brings you 3 tires, a steering wheel, brakes, seats, and an engine. Another shop (grains) brings you 2 tires, the body/frame, 3 steering wheels, brakes, seats, and 2 engines. You now have all of the parts you need to make the car (4 tires, the body/frame, a steering wheel, engine, brakes and seats) but you also have extra parts (1 tire, 1 set of brakes, 1 set of seats, 2 engines, and 3 steering wheels) to go towards making another car, making the limiting amino acid the body/frame because it came in the lowest quantity and inhibited our body to make a second car. Make sense?

Proteins are made up of specific “shapes”, and when they are exposed to heat, acidic or basic substances, or agitation they change shape and are no longer biologically functioning proteins. This can be seen by cooking an egg—the protein (egg white) starts out clear, and as the heat penetrates the proteins they change shape and turn an opaque white color. Or you can think of beating egg whites to
form “stiff peaks”—the agitation of consistent beating denatures the proteins to change shape. This is actually the first step in digesting proteins—breaking down their structure/denaturing the proteins. Once we eat proteins they begin digesting in our mouths by chewing. Proteins are broken down further once they enter the stomach and meet hydrochloric acid (HCl) and pepsin (an enzyme made to specifically break down proteins). Upon arrival to the small intestine, proteins meet more enzymes released by the pancreas that break the proteins down into short peptides (amino acids bonded together in a chain) and amino acids. These proteins are then absorbed through the ileum of the small intestine (the last section) and transported through the blood stream.
What do proteins do for our bodies? Every cell is made up of proteins. Proteins provide the structure/walls/scaffolding for pretty much every part of our bodies. This means that when cells die, like they’re supposed to (dead skin, hair, etc.), we need more proteins to make replacement cells. Proteins also maintain bodily fluid balance, participate in acid/base balance, help in the production of hormones and enzymes, aid in immune health, make glucose for the brain (when necessary), act as an energy source, and aid in satiation.
The average person needs 0.8 grams of protein for every kg of body weight each day. Gerald weighs 175 lbs. which is 79.4 kg. 79.4 kg × 0.8 g/kg = 63.52 g protein per day. That’s really cool information, but that’s not exactly what we order at a restaurant, right? Well, 1- 4 oz. portion of chicken contains approximately 35 g of protein. A Clif Bar has anywhere from 7-14 g protein… this adds up fast! Protein is valued higher than the other macronutrients in our society due to fad diets and poor media. We really do not need to focus on protein as much as we typically. A typical American eating 2 eggs at breakfast (12 g), a turkey sandwich at lunch (14 g), and a 4 oz. steak at dinner (36 g), with snacks in between (15-30g), would easily over-shoot their protein needs for the day. According to the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges, protein is only supposed to be 10% to 35% of our daily intake. You can calculate how much this is by going backwards—if you are eating an 1800 kcal/day diet, 10% of that is 180 calories—there are 4 kcals/gram of protein so in order to consume
180 kcals from protein you’d need to eat 45 g protein each day, or, if you’re looking to get the high end of protein intake, 35% protein from an 1800 kcal/day diet would be 135 g. Higher protein needs would be due to injury, illness, burns, athletic performance, etc. However, if you’re going for a 20 minute walk 4x/week you likely will not need much extra protein.

What happens if you eat too much protein? Just like all excess calories, excess protein can be converted into fat and stored for future use as energy. Diets high in protein are often times simultaneously low-carb diets. Meaning that these high-protein/low-carb diets are withholding the brain’s preferred energy source, low in fiber for gut health, possibly lacking vitamins, and have the possibility (depending on your protein source) of increasing blood cholesterol levels with increased saturated fats. In extreme cases there could be organ damage, disease development, and toxicities.
When we do not eat enough protein or have a medical condition that requires increased protein needs it is possible to develop protein energy malnutrition. This is displayed in two different conditions, Kwashiorkor and Marasmus. Kwashiorkor patients present with very large and distended bellies while maintaining some fat stores—they are malnourished patients with an additional condition such as infection. Marasmus patients show a skeletal-like appearance—they are extremely malnourished patients (protein and other nutrients). These visuals are only in chronic cases—it is possible to have protein energy malnutrition without exhibiting these physical attributes.
Overall—it is important to eat proteins, and eat them in an informed way. If you are a meat eater, feel safe in knowing that they’re bringing all the parts you need to make a car. If you’re a vegetarian, remember to eat a variety of protein foods throughout the day in order to gather all the parts you need for your car. There’s no need to stress about proteins, it is likely that you’re getting what you need throughout the day if you are following BALANCE, VARIETY, and MODERATION.
Wardlaw, G. M., & Hampl, J. S. (2007). Perspectives in nutrition. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Auntie Madeline’s Peanut Chicken

2 lbs. chicken tenderloins
1/3 c peanut butter
2 Tbsp. honey
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 clove garlic, chopped
½ tsp. red pepper flakes

Mix peanut butter, honey, soy sauce, garlic, and red pepper flakes in a bowl. Toss with chicken tenderloins and marinate for at least 1 hour in refrigerator.
Slide chicken pieces on previously-soaked skewers and barbecue, turning often, until cooked thoroughly. Eat with coleslaw, rice, and a cold beverage on a picnic table in the back yard.
You can also bake them at 400° for 30 minutes, but they’re better barbecued
-        --Madeline Herzog

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